Video Chat & Class Caricatures

I’d like to share a couple of fun things we got to do during our last few days teaching novices in Chiang Mai.

First, we were able to organize a video chat at the school between about seven novices and two 8-year-olds in the United States. The parents of the fraternal twins agreed to let their kids stay up late in order to meet the novices. During the video chat, which lasted about 20 minutes, the kids introduced themselves and gave their ages. Some of the novices asked questions of the American kids, such as whether they like Thai food, and the American kids got to learn a bit about their Thai counterparts. A very enjoyable experience!

And second, with our class at Wat Wang Tan we took turns drawing caricatures of one another while reviewing vocabulary for parts of the head and upper body. Deann and I were particularly delighted when one of the novices accepted the task of drawing both of us! Afterward, we posed for a group photo with our caricatures.
